Possess your possessions

15 thoughts on “Possess your possessions”

  1. So many Christians ask for little, expect little nd in return get little or less not knowing that our God owns everything… Nice one!


  2. With God we can never ask too much or even have too much because in HIS side every thing is like a dust not even our asking can reduce any of HIS wealth or neither our consuming will make HIS love for us to die.


  3. Wow! This is fantastically awesome. You know the scriptures says that all things are ours. We want to limit God sometimes when He is a limitless God. Let’s enjoy all the benefits of the redemption package. Its real. Thank you Eloghosa. More grace.


    1. All that we’ll ever need has been paid for by Christ, it is left to us to enjoy his abundant riches!
      Lovely write up…
      More grace to you!!!


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